Saturday, December 5, 2009

Holding My Own Through the Holiday Season

I've made it through Halloween, vacation, and Thanksgiving without a gain. I consider this a success. Now I need to stay strong through the Christmas holiday.

The last few years I have taken a Saturday before Christmas for a cookie baking marathon. By Saturday night I have my freezer loaded with at least 15 dozen cookies. It's nice to have a selection of cookies on hand when company stops by. Unfortunately I was visiting the freezer at least three times a day - not for company but for me! I've decided this year will be different. I'm limiting myself to just a couple different types of cookies and I'll make them right before Christmas.

Work will be a challenge as well. There will be platters of goodies sitting by the coffee pot from now until the middle of January. I will allow myself one treat a week until Christmas. Hopefully after Christmas I can resist them all together.

I've been checking out different materials from the library to help me stay motivated. The magazines, Shape and Health, have great articles that range from quick exercise workouts, how to stress less during the holidays, and healthy (and tasty) recipes. The library also has a great selection of fitness DVDs and diet books. Visit our on-line catalog at to hold your copy today!