Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crunch Challenge Update

We will soon be hitting the halfway mark on the 12 Crunch Challenge. These are the Ab exercises you should be doing every night.
  • Basic Crunch - 20
  • Twist Crunch -10 each side
  • Plank - try to hold this position for sixty seconds or longer
  • The Hundred
  • Dead Bug - 15 on each side

See the posts below for directions on how to do each exercise.

Check back next Tuesday when we add another Ab Exercise to the list!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring Ab Crunch Challenge - Week 5

This weeks Ab exercise is the "Dead Bug."

Lie with back on a mat, hands by your sides, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, and feet off the floor. Tighten abs, and slowly lower left leg toward floor, straightening leg, as shown. Stop when you feel lower back coming off the floor. Return to starting position, then switch legs. Complete 15 on each side.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring Ab Crunch Challenge - Week 4

Pilates moves are by far some of the best abdominal exercises. Pilates works the deep abdominal muscles and the stabilizers that help to hold it all in. Pilates also lengthens the muscles, giving a taller, leaner appearance.

The exercise for this week is The Hundred.

Lie on your back with your knees above your chest and extend your arms at your sides. Now lift your chin and chest slightly, so you're up on your shoulder blades and raise your legs upward. Lift your arms 6 inches and quickly pump them up and down five times while exhaling . Now inhale, pumping your arms five times. Repeat 10 times to make 100 pumps.

Complete these each day along with the exercises from Week 1 - 3.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Ab Crunch Challenge - Week 3

The exercise for Week 3 is the Plank. The plank position is great for strengthening your core muscles.
  • Start by lying face down on the ground or use an exercise mat.
  • Place your elbows and forearms underneath your chest.
  • Prop yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms.
  • Maintain a flat back and do not allow your hips to sag towards the ground.
  • Hold this position, focusing on tightening your abs, until you can no longer maintain a flat bridge. Try to hold this position for sixty seconds or longer. If you can't hold it that long, try going for 10 seconds until you're strong enough to go longer. Try beating your last longest time!
When you are doing the plank exercise make sure to contract your abdominals while remembering to breathe. Do not let your hips and back sag. You should strive to maintain a flat line from your shoulders to your feet.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Ab Crunch Challenge - Week 2

The ab exercise for Week 2 is the Twist Crunch. This exercise focuses on working your abs and obliques.

Lying on a mat, have your knees bent, elbows out, and hands behind head. Your feet should be flat on the ground. Keep a space between your chin and chest as if looking towards the ceiling. Exhale as you lift up rotating your upper body to one side, then rotating back to center. Inhale and lower your back to the floor. Switch sides. Goal is to do 10 on each side.

Combine these with the 20 basic crunches you're already doing for a great ab workout!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Ab Crunch Challenge

Join us for the Spring Ab Crunch Challenge. This is a friendly, 12 week challenge where we will encourage each other to complete the suggested crunches.

Week 1 Challenge: Complete 20 basic crunches each day. Can’t do 20 at a time? Break it up into two sets of 10 or four sets of 5.

For the basic crunch:

  • Lie on your back, with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Beginners: cross arms over chest; others: rest hands behind the head (be sure NOT to pull on your neck). In either arm position, place your chin at a fist's distance from your chest.
  • Raise your chest and shoulders several inches from the ground, keeping your feet and lower back flat on the floor. Exhale as you come up; inhale as you lower back down.
  • Keep your movements slow and controlled, feeling the contraction in your midsection only. Fast jerky movements do not work the muscle properly.
When doing a crunch remember to pick a spot on the ceiling and keep your eyes focused on it to avoid pulling on your neck, and do not bring your elbows in or forward. Another option if you can’t stop pulling on your neck is to cross your arms across your chest. Take a deep breath, then exhale while curling up and forward until your shoulder blades are lifted off the floor. Hold for a moment at the top of the movement, fully exhale all of the air in your lungs for complete contraction of the abs, then slowly lower yourself back to the floor.

Be sure to check in and let us know how you’re doing!