Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Ab Crunch Challenge - Week 2

The ab exercise for Week 2 is the Twist Crunch. This exercise focuses on working your abs and obliques.

Lying on a mat, have your knees bent, elbows out, and hands behind head. Your feet should be flat on the ground. Keep a space between your chin and chest as if looking towards the ceiling. Exhale as you lift up rotating your upper body to one side, then rotating back to center. Inhale and lower your back to the floor. Switch sides. Goal is to do 10 on each side.

Combine these with the 20 basic crunches you're already doing for a great ab workout!


  1. Good morning! I got my 20 basic crunches and my twist crunches (10 on each side) done last night. I had forgotten how much I hate twist crunches!


  2. I did mine last night, too! Yeah--it always burns more on the sides.
