Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Ab Crunch Challenge - Week 3

The exercise for Week 3 is the Plank. The plank position is great for strengthening your core muscles.
  • Start by lying face down on the ground or use an exercise mat.
  • Place your elbows and forearms underneath your chest.
  • Prop yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms.
  • Maintain a flat back and do not allow your hips to sag towards the ground.
  • Hold this position, focusing on tightening your abs, until you can no longer maintain a flat bridge. Try to hold this position for sixty seconds or longer. If you can't hold it that long, try going for 10 seconds until you're strong enough to go longer. Try beating your last longest time!
When you are doing the plank exercise make sure to contract your abdominals while remembering to breathe. Do not let your hips and back sag. You should strive to maintain a flat line from your shoulders to your feet.


  1. Good morning! I continue with the crunches, twist crunches, and now the plank. And yes, I still hate the twist crunches!


  2. Rock on, Rose! I'm doing my exercises, as well. Still hate the twist crunches...but will love the look if I keep doing them! :)
